Day 01 - 03 Jan, Friday
Kickoff and Insights
8:30 AM – Registration & Welcome

Begin your day by checking in and connecting with fellow attendees.

9:00 AM – Opening Keynote

The Future of AI: Opportunities and Challenges” by Dr. Emily Carter.

10:30 AM – Breakout Sessions

Choose from diverse topics like Machine Learning or AI Ethics.

12:30 PM – Networking Lunch

Meet industry leaders and peers over a delicious lunch.

2:00 PM – Panel Discussion

Transforming the World” Rajesh Mehta, Lisa Rodriguez.

4:00 PM – Closing Remarks

Wrap up the day with insights and a roadmap for Day 2.

Day 02 - 04 Jan, Saturday
Deep Dives and Actionable Insights
8:30 AM – Registration & Welcome

Begin your day by checking in and connecting with fellow attendees.

9:00 AM – Opening Keynote

The Future of AI: Opportunities and Challenges” by Dr. Emily Carter.

10:30 AM – Breakout Sessions

Choose from diverse topics like Machine Learning or AI Ethics.

12:30 PM – Networking Lunch

Meet industry leaders and peers over a delicious lunch.

2:00 PM – Panel Discussion

Transforming the World” Rajesh Mehta, Lisa Rodriguez.

4:00 PM – Closing Remarks

Wrap up the day with insights and a roadmap for Day 2.

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